“Marek Sindelka is a Czech super-talent.”
— Hebban

Marek Šindelka (1984) is a poet, novelist, playwright and screenwriter. He has won many awards and nominations: he received the Jiří Orten Prize for his debut poetry collection Strychnin. He is the only writer to have been awarded the Magnesia Litera Prize for prose twice, for his books Zůstaňte s námi (Stay Tuned)) and Únava materiálu (Material Fatigue). His work has been translated into more than 15 languages.
Šindelka excels in his precise use of language and has an eye for today’s life, for what concerns people and especially for the interrelationships between people, which he then manages to describe in a striking, revealing way He does not shy away from topical themes in his work. Whether it is the climate, climate change, the refugee crisis, he naturally incorporates them into his work without being intrusive or activistic. He leaves the verdict to the reader himself.
An original writer, who has very much to offer.
Chyba (Climate Grief)
Pistorius & Olšanska Publishers, Příbram (2008)
Chyba (Aberrant – graphic novel)
Lipník, Prague (2011)
Zůstaňte s námi (Stay Tuned)
Odeon, Prague (2011)
Mapa Anny (Map of Anna)
Odeon, Prague (2014)
Únava materiálu (Material Fatigue)
Odeon, Prague (2016)
Strychnin (Strychnine) Paseka Publishers, Prague (2005)