(Stay Tuned)
Magnesia Litera 2011
“Šindelka rivals James Joyce.”
— Knack

About the Book
Original Title | Zůstaňte s nami |
First Published | 2011 |
Publisher | Odeon, Prague |
Pages | 160 |
Rights Sold
Bulgaria | Izida -Sofia |
Poland | Afera – Krakow |
North Macedonia | Slavika Libria – Skopje |
The Netherlands | (short story Polaroid) Voetnoot Publishers – Antverp |
The Netherlands | (short storyStay With Us) Voetnoot Publishers – Antverp |
Stay tuned is the TV presenter’s cry urging viewers not to zap away. But it is also a cry against loneliness. Loneliness when people talk past each other, as in the gradually dying relationship between the TV presenter and his partner Andrea. Šindelka painstakingly exposes the power of language and confronts us with all the inconveniences, viciousnesses, hilarities that exist between modern people and on which relationships break down. Or as Šindelka himself says, “We need the other to see ourselves. Nevertheless, we get a distorted view and our relationship becomes one of unhappy dependence that can bring nothing good.’
A collection of eight short stories and novellas by the winner of the Jiří Orten Prize.. Brilliantly written texts about love, sex, disappointment and cluelessness.
Stay With Us was shortlisted for the Josef Škvorecký Award 2012.
“Sindelka does not need much story. He can lean on his swirling use of language. His sentences contain so much cadence and literary layers that he rivals James Joyce. Last year, we named his novel ‘Material Fatigue’ Book of the Year. Those who did not succumb to that can use this brilliant story as a stepping stone. 4 stars”
— Knack

Voetnoot Publishers, Antverp, 2012
Translated by Edgar de Bruin
Останете с нас
Izida, Sofia, 2015
Translated by Krasimir Prodanov
Zostańcie z nami
Afera, 2016, Krakow
Translated by Anna Wanik
Blijf bij ons
Voetnoot, Antverp, 2019
Translated by Edgar de Bruin
Останете со нас
Slavika Libris, Skopje, 2020
Transllated by Daniela Rous-Miševska & Donka Rous